
Prp bei Haare: Was es ist, wie es funktioniert 


What is Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP?

Prp is a powerful concentrate of growth factors capable of stimulating the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts and the synthesis of collagen, thus improving the vital state of the skin and tissues in general.

In trichology it is used to stimulate quiescent stem cells in the scalp, thus helping the normal process of creating new blood vessels and repairing damaged cells.
More and more advanced studies, aimed at validating the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma, have shown that in patients suffering from baldness the stem cells belonging to the supra-bulbar area of ​​the follicle (bulge area) are physiologically inactive , that is, they fall, in a dormant phase, waiting for a wake-up signal.

The reactivation signal can be provided by the PRP : platelets, in fact, contain a large number of growth factors (including PDGF and TGFβ), which are recognized by the receptors on the stem cell and are not only capable of rebuilding the blood vessels of the tissue (damaged in case of wounds for example), but also to stimulate the same dormant stem cells to reproduce, and resume their normal physiological cycle thus regenerating the follicle and causing hair growth.
This is why, therefore, the supply of platelets in the scalp causes the thickening of the hair that is still present and tends to stop its fall.

When to undergo a PRP hair treatment?

It should be specified that a PRP scalp treatment is not a treatment that allows you to get back the hair lost with alopecia , but rather helps to slow down normal hair loss (in certain situations to stop it completely).

A PRP treatment is therefore highly recommended to encourage thickening of the hair in patients with very thin hair and prone to falling out and in general to improve the overall health of the scalp and hair bulbs.

It is also widely used as a support therapy after a fue hair transplant . PRP and autotransplantation are two allies in fighting the annoying problem of hair loss. In fact, it is common practice to combine a PRP treatment with the autotransplant operation to obtain a faster engraftment of the transplanted bulbs, to stimulate the growth of other silent bulbs, and to accelerate the healing times of the scalp skin. Furthermore, PRP combined with FUE stimulates tissue revascularization, thus decreasing the possibility of follicle necrosis and apoptosis.

How does a PRP treatment work?

Platelet-rich PRP Plasma is obtained by extracting it from the blood .
First of all it is necessary to carry out a common venous blood sample from the patient with PRP Tubes who will then benefit from the treatment (20-30 cc). The tubes containing the sample will then be placed in a prp centrifuge and centrifuged. At the end of the centrifuge, the PRP will be withdrawn with a sterile syringe, being very careful not to aspirate the white blood cells settled immediately below as they could release proteolytic enzymes that are harmful to the tissues.
The actual treatment consists of cycles of injections carried out directly on the scalp (3/4 sessions per month) . PRP injections must be rigorously carried out by doctors and specialists in the field in order to guarantee the regulations of prophylaxis and to minimize risks or complications due to infections.

What are the contraindications to a PRP treatment?

The PRP treatment has no contraindications since the platelet gel comes from the centrifugation of the patient's own blood. Furthermore, since it is a blood sample, there is no risk of an immune reaction, contraindication, or rejection.

It is a safe treatment carried out with autologous plasma and therefore the risk of blood-borne diseases is avoided. Furthermore, precisely because it is obtained from the blood sampling carried out on the patient, the PRP does not present side effects such as allergies, intolerances or rejection. All the steps of the PRP, from blood sampling to injection into the skin, are carried out in the utmost sterility to prevent the patient's blood from coming into contact with the external environment.

Since the life of the platelets is somewhat limited, the various processes of this technique are carried out consecutively and in the shortest possible time (about 30 minutes). Thanks to the ideal conditions of centrifugation, platelets and growth factors do not suffer any type of trauma, allowing this innovative treatment to carry out its regenerative action.

What are the costs of a PRP treatment?

One of the doubts that most afflicts those who intend to undertake the path of this treatment is the cost of the PRP.

The costs of a PRP treatment vary mainly according to the number of sessions required, which in turn depend on the response of the scalp to the treatment itself. Certainly, a qualified and honest doctor will be able to give precise indications, without taking advantage of the patient's financial resources or psychological situation.

Are there any restrictions after the treatment?

No, the return to one's activities is immediate , as no hematomas or bruises are formed because the platelets prevent their appearance as they contribute to blood clotting. At the end of the treatment the patient may notice a slight reddening of the treated area, but that will go away in a few hours.

In any case, it is good practice to avoid the application of cosmetic products in the first hours post-treatment and, only if there are any bruises or small hematomas on the skin (which can form at the site of blood sampling or in the sites of injection of the platelet concentrate ), sun exposure is not recommended.

The PRP and its importance today

There are many testimonies of patients who after a course of treatment with PRP were able to show a tangible increase in the thickness of their hair or an improvement in their skin.
In recent years this technique has taken more and more hold, reaching extraordinary peaks because obviously the ability of the PRP to improve blemishes without worrying about contraindications or post-treatment protocols, gives greater confidence in dealing with this type of treatment.